Frequently Asked Questions

Orders and Shipping

What is your shipping policy?

Standard Shipping 3-5 business days. Local pickup is available on select items.

For more details please see the full Shipping Policy

Do you ship internationally?

Not at this time.

Return Policy

What's your return policy?

We offer refund and/or exchange within the first 30 days of your purchase, if 30 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a refund and/or exchange of any kind. Your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

For more details please see the full Return Policy

Can I make changes to or cancel my order?

Please email within 24 hours to cancel or make changes.

For more details please see the full Terms and Conditions

Do you do exchanges?

Please email to discuss available options for product exchange.

For more details please see the full Terms and Conditions

Legal Policies

Privacy Policy

Terms of Service


Cookie Policy

Other questions and concerns

Please email